Unplug & Recharge.
Join the slow stationery movement
What will you write today?
The scrape of a sharpener against a pencil tip. The ritual of refilling your favourite fountain pen. The moment of potential as you open a fresh notebook.
What’s waiting to be expressed? What will emerge as you begin to create? The only way to know is to start.
Our products
All of our products are made in the UK using nib-friendly 80gsm FSC-accredited paper, 100% vegetable-based inks and plastic-free packaging.
A5 Volume 1
In search of analogue
Wilder. was born out of a deep desire to escape today’s hyper-connected, digital-first, always-on world. Our products are designed to help you unplug and recharge, even if only for a moment.
As the pencil shortens or the ink flows, thoughts become cedar shavings on the desk and graphite smudges on the paper or your hand. Pen-refills are replaced and the process continues.
Notes from the Wilder. side
The Wilder. journal is where you’ll find everything from treatise on the health benefits of journaling to musings on the meaning of life.